What Ever Happened To Pick-up Baseball …or is it alive and well?

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Select and travel baseball has taken over our kids' (and families') summers.  Are the times of getting out and just playing for fun a thing of the past?

Late in 2019 I spoke to a parent involved with a local youth league. I was told the number of players involved in league run summer programs had really picked up in the past couple of years. I was shocked, and pleasantly surprised.

A few years ago, I had a similar conversations. It seemed the 'just for fun' summer programs that many youth organizations run were dwindling in popularity.  I was getting the sense that kids were gravitating more to select and travel ball in the summer …or weren't playing at all.

The competitive tournament environment is a good fit for a lot of kids and helps them work toward higher goals they have for their playing careers.  But it’s not for everyone.  My concern was more and more kids were just taking the summer off completely.

I am curious to hear about the health and level of interest there is around the country for league run, casual summer ball programs.  Are they gaining strength in your area?  Always been doing well?  Has interest been dropping off in your area?

Please share your stories.  What strategies have been used to increase the popularity in summer programs?  Your stories and ideas could be helpful for leagues that are looking for ways to improve summer options for their players in 2021.