The Legs Swing The Bat …awareness is the first step in learning the swing

Batting Legs 13.png
Batting Legs 12.png
Batting Legs 8.png
Batting Legs 7.png

This is a follow-up to an earlier post which addressed how much the legs are used in the batting swing. Watch this video with your child.

The video is of the longest home runs of the 2020 Major League Baseball Season. Fun to watch …and informative. The first minute shows plenty of swings, but you might enjoy watching more :)

Try This: pause the video before each swing and scroll the screen up so the batters are only shown from the belt down, then play the swing.  This gets the bat and arms out of the picture, so we can focus entirely on the action of the legs. 

This experience will help you and your child gain an acute awareness of how much the Legs contribute to the swing.  For most kids, the concept that the Legs contribute (significantly) to the swing is foreign.  Establishing an awareness of the Legs now, will help them as they move forward in their work to develop their batting skills.